After a busy morning of mowing AND cutting hair AND vacuuming AND sweating AND eating
Bithday Cheesecake, all on my birthday, I decided we better get out of the house fast, or I might just start cleaning the cat boxes. Pappa Bear stepped in and rescued me from this horrible fate. Thanks, PB.
We had a vague plan to head down Scenic 95 to Hastings, then 61 to Red Wing, stop at the Round Barn Farm B&B for a quick look, then head back north along 52 to try and spot a farm PB had seen on his way down to WI recently.
So we bundled into the Honda with our raingear, umbrella and cooler (the cooler had nothing but ice in it, in hopes of grocery shopping later in the day, and brunch leftovers) and headed out scenic Hwy 8 to 95 and south, towards Afton.

Our first stop was in Marie on St. Croix at Crabtree’s Garden Gate and
Funkie Gardens. For the garden lover, which I happen to be, Crabtree’s is a garden playground for grownups. They have garden gifts, garden decorations, garden furniture and every possible garden token and accoutrement you could ever wish for. And then some. They also had free samples of wine from a box. I already liked this place. But the wine was a definite clincher.

Funkie Gardens is next door to Crabtree. They just opened and they have a very nice variety of perennials. And really comfy Adirondack chairs out front. Park me under the sprinkler and I’ll be set for the day. Please bring me the box of wine.

A little further on, we arrived in Afton but decided to forgo stopping at the art/craft fair and continue on down the road. Not much further we came across a sign, ‘Barn Sale.’ Well as you know from
this post, I happen to love love love barns. And what could be better than a sale in a barn? Maybe a barn for sale? We had to find out. So we dropped off of St. Croix Trail onto River Road South for 1.7 miles until we found a cluster of cars by the road and figured this had to be the place.

There were several people selling goods from this property. We were drawn to a wooden trunk with a curved wood top, the corners edged in metal, a beautiful piece.

The price tag read TEN DOLLARS. I thought I had misread the price, until the woman selling it walked over and gave us the spiel about the trunk and why it was ONLY TEN DOLLARS. Apparently she had accidentally left it on the porch after moving some furniture around. Apparently it had gotten rained on. Apparently it needed refinishing. I wasn’t sure it would even fit in the back seat of our Honda, but I was willing to try. Apparently.

It didn’t fit into the back seat. But it DID fit into the front
passenger seat.

And half of the back seat.
Yes, that’s where I was sitting prior to this little Barn Sale Side Trip. My new spot was behind Kelly’s seat. So I asked him when we left the sale, “Should we head back home now? Being that the entire passenger seat and half of the back seat are now being taken up by a huge trunk?” Kelly looked at me like I had just asked him if he wore women’s underwear. “Nooo… I was thinking we’d just continue on down the road a bit.”
Oh, OK. Guess that means I’ll be crammed into the back seat behind him, helping him with all left-hand turns, since he can’t see past the trunk, and I’ll be getting a bit nauseous as I check my Facebook B-D greetings from the back seat of a moving car.
To be continued…
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